Act of Faith

Act of Faith

Act of Faith

Fondation Son & Lumière de Notre-Dame de Québec1993

Presented at Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral in Quebec City, the mesmerizing and original Act of Faith brings five centuries of history vividly to life. From the “virgin forest,” where Native cultures held sway for thousands of years, to the dawn of the 21st century, this multimedia installation retraces 500 years in the evolution of a nation affirmed by a living faith.

The story takes shape through multiple projections, evocatively superimposed images on transparent screens and an imposing set. Accompanied by a remarkable digital sound environment broadcast on special headsets, the show’s interplay of light underscores the Basilica’s architectural, historical and religious treasures. Audience members, whatever their faith, will have a mystical experience thanks to the most advanced in multimedia technology.